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I noticed that she was rolling over way to far. I could tell she was struggling to get her breath. As she approached where I was standing, I could see a pained look on her face. She finally made it to the wall and instead of touching it and going back down to the other end of the pool to complete her 50 meters, she stopped. The swim coach was telling her to breathe, catch her breath, calm down and GO! I was standing on the side poised and ready to step in and pull her That's what moms do, right?

Sarah took some deep breaths and headed down the pool to finish her event. I have never been more proud of this girl in my life. When she was done, she hopped out of the pool, and came running over to me. Her face was crumpled up in the beginnings of a cry. I took a breath and hoped that the right words came out. And I meant that too. She asked looking up at me. Her face began to break out into a smile. She finished the rest of her events and at bedtime, asked me to tell her again what I said at the pool. Peter has such pretty strokes. He always looks nice and calm when he's swimming - he doesn't splash around wildly. He just looks nice.

Unfortunately, Peter has two speeds - slow and slower. But that's just my sweet Peter. He swims like he On his own schedule and at his own pace. He says he thinks he's going fast, but it just never translates that way in a race. He swam his butterfly beautifully last night but came in 5th out of 5 swimmers. He was dejected because he was hoping that the butterfly was going to be his stroke. The stroke he might actually be able to win a ribbon with. Did you have fun at the swim meet? Then you had a great swim meet and I am proud of you!

James White will give two free talks on The Reliability of the New Testament. James will be preaching at Trinity Road Chapel, where other famous preachers have spoken--C. H. Spurgeon, C.T. Studd, Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Monday, 22 February at 7:30pm The Big Trinity Debate. Orthodox Christians believe in the Trinity, the teaching that there is one eternal being of God -indivisible, infinite. This one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Muslims reject this view, arguing that it results in worshiping someone other than Allah by associating partners with him. James White and Abdullah al Andalusi will conduct a formal, moderated debate on the doctrine of the Trinity at 7:30pm at Trinity Road Chapel in Wandsworth Common, London. Click here for directions and a map.

Finding a place to live in Second Life for an affordable price can be a 9.95 US dollars a month. One can rent land, allowing one to stay a free resident and skip the fee, but the prices for rental land and homes can be high, a thousand Lindens a week or more. How about a place in Second Life where you pay not a thousand Lindens per week, but per month? At the Sunweaver Islands, 1000L will get you for four weeks, a rate of 250L a week, a 512 square meter plot, 16m x 32m in size, with a 117 prim limit. One can rent as many lots as are available, and the staff will join them into a larger lot if possible, so one can build the house of one’s dreams. Public Islands allow one the Flexibility of having either a house, store or both.

As the name suggests, they are fully open to the public. Private Islands allow one greater privacy, but are restricted to residents of Sunweaver Islands only. One is allowed to build stuff for sale, but no selling is allowed Control over who gets on the islands and behavior is enforced. For more information on rental space in the Sunweaver Islands, please contact one of the rental managers: Nydia Tungsten, Wensleydale Dinkins, Shockwave Yareach, and Rita Mariner. Also ask what move-in specials are As of now, the first month is half-off the normal price for new renters. In addition, thirteen lots have recently become available for rent in the public Sunweaver Air sim, twelve in one single lot, "So if you are interested, or know someone who is, now is the time to come shopping.

We met with the new jaw surgeon today at Hopkins. He is extremely knowledgeable and has a lot of experience with jaw distractions, which is why they brought him on. We were really impressed with him and the before and after pictures he showed us of his past patients. During the distraction, an L-shaped cut is made on both sides of the jaw and metal bars are put in. The bars are attached to external screws that go behind the ear, which we will turn for 14 days. The external screws will be removed after that, but the bars will stay in her jaw for several months.

Because of Abby's airway issues and the swelling around her face due to the surgery, she will be intubated and sedated for about 5 days before they attempt to extubate. We should expect for her to be in the hospital for about 10 days. We had a long conversation with the jaw doctor. Long story short, he is concerned that Abby's airway is going to cause problems for her during/after the VEPTR surgery. He was encouraged that she was successfully intubated, but he is fairly concerned that the swelling from surgery will cause her problems when her airway is already so tiny. We don't want an emergency. He also reminded us of a hard truth that we know too well: with her airway and lung functioning being what they are, Abby is only a common cold away from the PICU.

We refuse to live in fear, so we don't isolate her from others. We use a lot of hand sanitizer and try to avoid sick people, but now that she doesn't have a trach, we have eased up quite a bit. But that fear is always there in the back of our minds. Today, it was pushed to the forefront again. His initial recommendation was to do the jaw surgery before the VEPTR, but that would mean pushing the VEPTR back. Because the VEPTR will address the lung functioning, it is important to do soon too. If we keep the VEPTR when it is, the jaw surgery would be in November. We are tentatively scheduling it to get it on the calendar while we make our decision.

If we do the jaw surgery before the VEPTR, the earliest it could be done is September, pushing the VEPTR back until at least November. But then that could mean she could lose more lung functioning between now and then. We've got two big surgeries that absolutely need to be done. We know that. The question is, which one needs to be done first? We have already consulted with our awesome pediatrician and ENT, our top two doctors. Our pediatrician is calling our ENT to discuss it, and our ENT had a lengthy conversation with us tonight. He agreed that the jaw surgeon had very valid concerns, and that Abby's surgery will be complicated. No doubt. He feels like in order to get the full benefit of the jaw distraction, we would have to wait 6-12 months after that before we did the VEPTR.

We can't wait that long and he knows that. He also said that Abby's airway is tiny and the distraction won't "cure" that. It will help and will get rid of the obstructive sleep apnea, but she will always have a difficult airway. He encouraged me to continue to be vocal about Abby's airway with the doctors during her recovery from the VEPTR and not to let them attempt to extubate her until they are absolutely certain she will be okay. We talked candidly about the possibility of Abby needing a trach again, but he assured me that it would be short term (less than a year) because she has proven that she can do it on her own. The jaw doctor discussed the trach with us as well, and he told us that he gave Abby a 1 in 10 chance of needing it.

And I burst into tears. And now he thinks I'm mentally unstable. Add that to the chart. I'll be honest. The T-word makes me shudder. It's not trach care or suctioning; that stuff is fine. Been there, done that. As our ENT said, he can't try to downplay trach life like he does for some of his other patients, because we know the truth. We know how much of a life change it is! But it's not about me. It's about a little girl that I love to pieces and want to watch grow up. So if a trach will keep her with us, then so be it. But I will be praying fervently that she will be extubated perfectly with no complications. That we will have clarity in our decision. I am terrified that I will choose wrong.

That our doctors will all be in agreement. This would make the decision-making process a whole lot easier! That we will get to speak with our orthopedic directly. We have some big things to discuss with him and don't want to have to go through the nurse practitioner. I am hoping I won't have to get pushy. That NO trach will be necessary at any point! That Abby will be successfully intubated and extubated with no concerns and all of the worrying and sleepless nights will be for no reason at all. God got us this jaw appointment so quickly for a reason. I know it. I will not make light of the fact that this jaw surgeon had some very valid concerns. I am praying that we will do what is best for Abby. I just wish I knew the answer.

Want your avatar on webpages across the Internet? That's what Linden Lab is offering for their next ad campaign. They're asking for residents who aren't shy about showing both their real life and Second Life selves to star in their ads. Banker by day, but intergalactic space cowboy in Second Life? We may be looking for you! For this campaign, we’re looking for people who are comfortable revealing their "human side" alongside their avatars in Second Life, like in the image above. Specifically, we are looking for those whose avatars do not physically resemble their owners. This promotion aims to spotlight the diverse and creative communities in Second Life, so please apply if you’d like to share your passion for Second Life with the world!

I can feel the winds of change blowing thru my life again. It is a slight breeze but there is no doubt that it is there. I have had this persistent thought running thru my mind lately and I have been trying to place it. For those of you who watch the old classic TV movies, I am thinking John Wayne in black and white, on a ship that is tossing and turning in the ocean. This is not the first time John has called upon me, which is probably why I have become an expert at marking the winds of change.

What is the solution for this crazy concoction of emotions? I usually start with a good cleaning out. Everything gets moved, shifted and pushed and then with writing pad and pen at the ready I create an inordinate amount of lists. A mindful spring cleaning. That is my antidote. I have started with a redesign of a few. That Template Designer program and I are at one this week. I have no idea where the blogs will end up but it has been a mighty fine diversion these past few days. I do not own. I won't even go there but let's just say it has given me plenty of time to organise and create! My eyes have been resting on these for inspiration.

Rumor has it Obama wants to get back into the political game. 60 million in a book deal (read: payolla), Obama is now (read: still) rich and no longer needs to worry about anything, so his goal is to force Trump to resign or to be impeached before his term is up. The problem is, this is a horrible idea. A country can only have one ruler, and Americans in particular expect Presidents to leave office and age gracefully. They don't want them staying in politics. Violate this rule at your peril. In fact, only two violated this to a degree in recent history.

Jimmy Carter took shots from the sidelines and tried to interfere with foreign policy. He was basically ignored or treated as a joke. Bill Clinton took forays into politics to help his wife, and tarnished the hell out of his image. Bill Clinton was never a great politician. He won the White House in plurality votes (never coming near 50%) because H. Ross Perot was determined to destroy Bush and then thought he might win against an unpopular Clinton and the terrible Bob Dole. Clinton did win, true, but he also managed to end a near Century of Democratic control over the House and only slightly less control over the Senate. He lost the South finally for the Democrats and he failed to keep the Democrats from drifting into the land of Identity Politics, which have doomed them now (that was actually his goal coming to power).

In short, winning was the only thing he did right and he only did that because other people beat his opponents. Nevertheless, Clinton was celebrated by the MSM-left as a genius because the left wanted him to be a genius. His friends in Hollywood made movies about him and gave him celebrity status everywhere. The MSM hired away all of his staffers and filled their ranks with his supporters, who then talked about his communication genius and his brilliant ability to reach the public. In other words, they invented a myth. Suddenly, his two victories were triumphs rather than squeakers.

In fact, consider this. The genius, at the height of his popularity, couldn't help Al Gore beat an unqualified ex-drunken moron. His failure was excused as being about a stolen election and wooden candidate, but Bill failed to deliver. Then 2008 and 2012 exposed just how bad a politician he really was. Not only could he not reach a skeptical public, but his own supporters were embarrassed by him. The media had a crush on Obama. America, "no negro dialect", educated, OMG's he's amazing! Consequently, they decided he was an amazing candidate too. Then he beat the mental-case version of Yosemite Sam and Reality-Trash Palin, and the left knew he was genius! In fact, he's the greatest politician of all time! He even won re-election against the Mitt 'Bologna Sandwich' Romney to prove it.

Um no. Obama relied on his opponents falling apart and offered one selling point: "I will tell black America to stop being a bunch of race-obsessed whiners." That's it. Oh, and he read well from the teleprompter. He lacked Clinton's ability to reach normal voters. He lacked Clinton's ear for the issues that mattered. He lacked Clinton's desire to do something worthwhile. All of this became increasingly obvious as his failures piled up. He did nothing to build a consensus that would let him lead. He couldn't even build a consensus with his own party. Like "Bill Clinton, A Mom's Life: 06/01/2019 Brilliant Politician and Most Popular Man Ever," Obama as a brilliant politician is a myth.

Objectively, the man is a total failure, whose only skill was that the GOP ran two awful candidates against him. Getting back into politics will only prove this as Obama lacks the wit, drive and interest in politics to deal with Trump, who will not bend over and let Obama kick him. Obama will be shocked by how little support he will have. The most fundamental problem Obama faces is that he will stand in the way of the other Democrats. Right now, the Democrats are in a civil war to decide how to re-allign themselves in a post Obama world. Who will lead them, who will control the voice and wallet of the party, etc. Obama sticking his nose back in will crowd out those who are fighting for these spots. He will not be welcome. And since he brings nothing to the table except memories of an unpopular presidency, look for this to go wrong fast. So hey, bring him on! Unfortunately, if Obama has proven one thing over time, it is that he is lazy. I don't see him bothering.

Good morning. While rummaging around the closet this morning trying to figure out what to wear to a wedding that we have to go to tomorrow night I decided to share the process with you Life At Home readers. I like to read stuff like that so I thought you might too. This first picture is of my favorite nail polish Essie's, Mademoiselle. It is a medium sheer pink that just makes your nails look clean and fresh. Tonight while John is playing golf in his golf league I'll give myself a manicure and pedicure. The plan is to wear this brown dress.

Hopefully it won't be too hot out. It is an evening wedding so I think I'll be OK. Next up is The Henry Ford Hospital 3 Day Diet. This thing has been around for years sometimes with different names and a few variations. There are only 2 days left until the wedding so I won't be able to do the whole thing but even a couple days should help get the dress to fit a little better. My thoughts and prayers go out to all that have been devastated by Gustav. While we go about our daily business of living there are many around the world that are dealing with much suffering. Thank God for his Word that tells us to cast our cares on Him and He will bear our burdens. It would be very easy to become despondent while preparing for a wedding while others are preparing to be evacuated from their homes or fearing for their lives in the European Georgia. If you are reading this from any of these troubled areas please know that our hearts and prayers are there with you.

Crucifixions were common in the Roman Empire. They were so common that the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was noticed only by a small group of dedicated followers. To understand the life and death of Jesus and the birth of Christianity, one must understand the context of the Roman Empire. Jesus was a Jew, as were almost all of his early followers. By 30 C.E., Rome's empire had expanded to cover virtually all of the lands adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, including the land occupied by the Hebrews. The Romans had no tolerance for sedition or rebellion against their government.

But the Jews had a religious reason for resisting Roman control. The Romans expected the Jews to worship the emperor as a god. But the Jews' religion commanded them to worship only one god: Yahweh. Their refusal to worship any of the Roman emperors, infuriated those rulers. The emperors were used to getting their way, and they did not take the Jewish resistance lightly. In 26 B.C.E., the Romans established direct rule over the Jews. They appointed Pontius Pilate as governor of the territory in that year. Pontius Pilate had little tolerance for Jewish traditions. More than once, he pushed the Jews to the brink of revolt by violating their religious beliefs in their holy city of Jerusalem. He even took money from their holy temple's treasury to build an aqueduct. This action led to a suppressed rebellion that resulted in many Jewish deaths.

According to Hebrew texts, it was believed that humans' time on earth was temporary. It was to be replaced by God's triumph over all human sins and the establishment of God's everlasting kingdom. They believed that this apocalypse, or end to the earthly world, would be brought about by a messiah. Many Jews were awaiting this messiah to deliver them from Roman rule and their earthly burdens. For some, this messiah was Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus began to teach in the Jewish tradition. He preached love and tolerance, and he was also believed to have performed miracles of healing the sick, walking on water, and even raising the dead.

Jesus claimed that the kingdom of Yahweh would never be realized on earth, but in a life after death. Jesus taught to love even enemies, because in light of the coming kingdom of God, there was no reason for hatred. A small group of disciples believed he was the promised messiah who would bring an end to Roman rule. Jesus' ideas were rejected by most of the Jews in Galilee, an area in northern Israel, where he first preached his ideas. Many Jews believed that Jesus was a troublemaker who was violating Yahweh's sacredness. He chose to go to Jerusalem to spread his word some time between 30 and 33 C.E. Gaining followers in Jerusalem was not easy for Jesus. Not all Jews saw their religion or their relationship with the Romans in the same way. In fact, some of the high priests of the Jewish Temple supported the Romans.

Here is my page ... A Mom's Life: 06/01/2019