Extraordinary Miracles In The Lives Of Ordinary People

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We had an amazing evening at the David hogan 2018 Hogan: Faith to Raise the Dead Event! I am responsible to the Holy Spirit for what happens to the people he's given me. And I'm not going to jump in just because America jumps in, or just because Australia jumps in, or New Zealand, or England or anybody else. I hunger for the Holy Spirit by days and nights.

Let me also say that I love to be in an atmosphere where the presence and power of God is being manfested without hype or showmanship, but I've yet to sense the glory of the Lord abiding anywhere near a man who spends most of his time telling tall tales and making himself look all important in the bargain.

First, I want to be clear: I have no problem believing that God can-and has-raised people from the dead. This is a pathetic state of affairs for the Body of Christ to be in during these perilous times when a sick and dying world is in need of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, because you're unable to answer this one simple question, I do not have anything to base a decision on. You just want me to take your word for it that it happened and based on what the Bible tells us about false teachers and the fact that the guys who claim these alleged miracles invariably turn out to be false teachers, I'm not going to do that.

Deadraiser-produced by Mountain Light Cinema-profiles a group of people who travel to hospitals, accident scenes, and morgues around the world with the goal of bringing dead people back to life. We are not a large church, but David says he goes where the Lord directs him and where the people are hungry for the things of God - size doesn't matter.