Mid January 1919

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[Flag and YMCA Logo]
Army and Navy
Young Men's Christian Association
"With The Colors"

Sat. a.m.

Dear Maggie,

How do you like army life anyway? I've often wondered just what kind of a life it is, especially when it is mixed up with a little guard duty. I tho't the guy that was selected for orderly was the best looking, neatest etc. etc. if that is the case, the rest of the them the other night must have been hard on the eyes. Of course they could be etc. etc. a ye?t, there might be one a little better.

I finished up said finals this morning & got away like a snowball in July.

By the way, do you know it snowed last night?

Saw 2 of the best basketball games that were ever played last night & night before, between the Aggies & K.U. & the Aggies won both 33-30 & 41-27.

Smithy is going to Funston this a.m. & will take your letters, if he can't take them to you he will put them in the mail. I will be over there Mon. morning, leave here at 8:00 & I have a date on the 1:00 U.P. out of Manhattan if I can make it, so you get that discharge & be ready to depart on that train.

Am going to leave my junk here when I go to Funston & come back here to start home, so I won't have to carry it, see!

Better drive over tomorrow. Smithy is ready.

Yours till the war is over,
