Early January 1919

From Longnecker House
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Dear Don,

Gosh you'll begin to wonder what is the matter with me. I've lost your address so I'm going to send this to Funston.

We are the most banged up bunch up here, all the teachers have a head ache or fever or sore throat and gosh I'm scared green some of them will be coming down with the flu again. I've been sick all week but I haven't stayed out of school. Just a big cold.

Haven't heard from home since before Christmas. I ordered a doll bed for Betty's birthday but couldn't get one, so don't know what I'll send her. Probably a dollar.

Gee have I a piece of bad luck. Got a letter from the supervisor of H.Ec. from the Des Moines school saying Miss Fisher of Ames had recommended me to teach in the Des Moines School and would I be available at once. Ain't that the divilish luck? I spose I'm a fool not to say yes and give them my thirty days notice and dig out. I hate to make a move in the middle of the year tho, but wouldn't that be spiffy to say I taught in the D.M. schools.

Haven't head a word from Dad. Didn't even get a pencil for Xmas from him. I told Ruth what to tell him I wanted if he inquired but evidently if he did inquire it ended in his usual big bluff. I see by the paper he has gone to Des Moines. Gosh if he only knew how to make himself agreeable what an opportunity he would have! I quake at what might be the outcome.

I got a letter from Bobbie thinking me for his Christmas present - I've heard nothing from Ruth - nor have I written. Why should I?

Mary Ketchum wrote and said she sent me a Christmaa present to M.C. but I have never received or heard a word about it. Did Lela write or say anything at Christmas time? I have heard nothing from her and I sent her a box and a Christmas card.

Mary Mc. writes me from Washington that Dart Boyle and Dodi Busby are both there working - that Dart still sports the swell clothes. I got myself a nifty looking dress at Duluth not long hence. Gosh its wonderful how differently you feel when you haven't togged up for so long and then do. If you run across some dapper Ag down there with a couple of hundred thousand dollars let me know.

Have you a Kappa Sigma chapter down there? Better step out and look the Pi Phi's over.

Don haven't you a good looking picture of yourself or some snape or something? I'd like to adorn our suite.

Oh, Don, did you know Jim McGhee died of wounds in France? Isn't it too bad?

The fellow Edythe is engaged to blew in last Wednesday night and just left today. He was in the Aviation and he made my hair stand on end telling about some of the terrible accidents etc. He has a job as Athletic Coach at the A.C. at Fargo. He has lived in Burlington all his life and went up there to N. Dakota Ag School and I sure bawled him out. He and I had a long of keen arguments about Ames and where it stood as an Ag. college.

In regard to the Insurance $5000 would be alright, if you don't get married for some time but it seems to be kind of foolish to drop insurance that doesn't cost any more than that for insurance generally runs pretty high, but as you say it's kind of foolish for you to carry that much without any one really depending on you who really needs it. I have heard something said about in time making this insurance into this endowment stuff and if so you'd be getting some back and wouldn't that be a fairly good thing? Well, do as you think best and let me know and I'll send you a check each month to pay it for you.

Must close for tonight. Write often for God knows if your letters didn't come I'd take to strong drink.

Much love, Leone

P.S. Are you still under military disciple or can you step once in awhile? For sure and make good, confidence and bluff go a long way. Leone.