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The phrase "come up with" implies some measure of deliberate but spurious inventiveness, as if you made the changes exclusively to get a new patent, rather than to improve the drug itself. While the grandparent's post mentioned adding pink dye, and that surely is a trival change, if you are "coming up" with changes, it sound like your are fixing something that isn't broken, and the only reason your tinkering beyond adding a dye is precisely because that is not enough to get a patent. In other words, you are ding precisely enough to get more money (as a company), rather than making the best possible drug..

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viagra online Decomposing body of suspected burglar found stuck in chimneyThe gruesome discovery was made after staff complained of a horrendous smell and flies inside their office in Derby15:20, 3 MAY 2013Updated16:18, 3 MAY 2013Grim discovery: The chimney at the solicitors (Image: Rex) Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for generic viagra subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailHorrified solicitors found the bad smell in their office was coming from a dead burglar in their chimney.The firm discovered the decomposing body of serial offender Kevin Gough, 42, stuck in the stack after assuming a pigeon was to blame for the stench.He may have been there for four weeks after a botched raid on the offices, police believe.One solicitor said: "We really, sincerely hope it does put people off doing this kind of thing."At first staff at Moody Woolley Solicitors in Derby just opened a window when they noticed the smell last week.But they called in a builder on Monday when it got worse and the office was full of flies.The firm's senior partner, Julie Marson, said: "We thought it may have been a pigeon so we got a pest control guy to come and that's when we realised it looked like it might be a human body."The firm called police, who confirmed their fears.Ms Marson added: "To think that poor chap could have been there for weeks. It's an awful thought."We just hope he passed away quickly. You wouldn't wish this on your worst enemy."Gough, of no fixed abode, had a string of burglary convictions and a history of breaking into commercial premises.A police spokesman said his death in the Grade II listed building's sealed off chimney was not being treated as suspicious.A number of firms in the historic part of Derby city centre near the solictors' office have been targeted in recent weeks viagra online.
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