The Effects Of Change On The Manager

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The types of change that generally occur in any organization are restructuring, staffing, tour đài loan giá rẻ economic downsizing which takes a toll on the manager. Managers need to put considerable amount of efforts to deal with such changes. Freelance managers are at the forefront of restructuring, tour đài loan từ hà nội staff handling and even taking effective measures to combat economic downsizing when the situation demands.  

Exposure to extreme pressures particularly during changes is something the freelance managers often have to deal with. Incapability of handling stress, losing effectiveness results in ineffective leadership creating even more long-term problems for any organization. The most common approach of the managers during such changes is ignorance of the situation. Another ineffective tactic of the managers includes denial of the change.

Avoidance of the change can have worse impacts. Instead of responding to changes, escaping them can serve the freelance manager only in the short run. Hiding from, or rather passing over the responsibilities to someone else can only make questions to arise over the credibility, potentiality of the manager’s leadership skills. The long term effect of such action is the deterioration of morality, effectiveness and even productivity of the organization.

Denying the effect of change is another faulty way-the freelance managers often try to imply. The denying manager shows little or no empathy towards the employees of the organization. Thus abdicating from the leadership roles when the staffs need it most again raise fingers on the credibility of the managers and destroy any personal loyalty on the part of the employees.