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Love this poem, so Beautiful, beautiful work Genna! My apologies for being late in responding but I have been much too busy with the demands of work. It is a busy time of year for me. Thank you for that wonderful comment and lovely compliment! It really touched my heart and made my day. Reminds me of Emily Dickenson and Ella Wheeler Wilcox, I believe. Prose: Words in their best order. Poetry: The best words in their best order. You have done justice to this immortal statement. Your comments about what this poem is intends are very perceptive. You made me day. Beautiful writing, Genna .

It really makes you think about the past and what has come before us. You are a very talented writer. You can be as late as you wish, dear friend. Thank you. I loved Mike's amazing video, and thought Butler's perspective was quite unique. I’m late to the party my friend. This poem took my breath away Gen. Gorgeous writing! The videos are a wonderful addition to a superb piece of writing. My apologies for not responding sooner. Thank you for the visit, and encouraging words. Blessings to you as well! Many share your passion, Dim. I love nature, but the ocean has always held a particular fascination for me.

Thank you for that special comment. Good to see you, and my best wishes for a Happy New Year. This is awesome. I have such a passion for the oceans. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas. This is very good, my kind of poetry! Yes, this week has been hectic, but fun. Thank you for that nice comment. Beautiful poem. It took me back in time to when I used to live in Myrtle Beach and played at the ocean with my kids. I run out. hehe. It's good to have people with whom to share one's thoughts when they seem to need to be shared.

Most of my life, I had little need or opportunity to. Sometimes I'm like a kid in a newly discovered candy shop! I am having a superb week. Hope you are, too! Hi Maria. Isn’t Mike wonderful? I was thrilled with the video. Thank you that encouraging comment. Hi there. This was added recently. I agree…Mike’s video is just superb! "We just need an afternoon over tea to just talk till we run out." Lol. Yes, we Have a great week, Nellieanna. I just read Maria's comment and realized I'd missed Mike's lovely reading of your poem! That really is a treat: your words spoken by Mike against the backdrop of gorgeous pictures.

And thank you for the kind and fun reply to my babbling comment What a treat to have your beautiful words to the sound of Mike's soothing voice, Genna. Now that is a winning combination for sure! Thank you, tobusiness. Welcome, and I appreciate those kind words. I'm so happy to have stumbled onto this wonderful poem, thank you for sharing. Good to see you, and my very best wishes for the Thank you for that lovely compliment, Teaches. It made my day. What a very special comment, Susan. I am humbly flattered and grateful. My best wishes to everyone for a merry and happy holiday season! My goodness, what a tale about your fingernails. I don’t wear acrylics anymore as I have read too many similar stories.

You are not alone, my friend. "The Gulf is even scarier than the Atlantic to this desert rat whose preference of an animal she’d be if not human would be a dolphin! " I would pick dolphin, as Aquarius is a wonderful sign. My Sosh is one, as well as my new infant granddaughter. People often confuse this as water sign, but it’s an air sign. Not silly ponderings at all. Many share your dislike of getting their clothes wet. I can relate because it is the clamminess that bothers me. Have a great week, Nellieanna, and thanks ever so much for your wonderful comments! I now have a new favorite by you.

I can come back and read this again and again. It made my heart This is a beautiful poem and brings many comforts to my mind. You certainly have a talent for beauty in words. It makes you think of those who came with dreams long ago and is an inspiration for all of us today. I wondered if those were his real fingernails. Just think of having not just one guitar pick but five! For several years, I had those fake nails when I was a Mary Kay sales director and was expected to ‘look the part’. My nails have never been my long suit.

I do too many things with my hands. So I resorted to those fake nails and curtailed some of my more carefree hand-applications for the duration. The horrible result was that eventually I got fungus growths under them, and now, ever since, for almost 30 years, I can’t wear nail polish or my nails peel off in Plus they are rippled, grow sort of square which makes corners to snag, and they either break easily or are like concrete. So I can only imagine the possible glitches that Butler may endure. But he is a musical genius. I’ve spent many a summer afternoon in a Sunfish sailboat on Whiterock Lake (a 1000 acre lake in the city limits very near my house here) enjoying it, including tipping over and getting dunked. That was long before I lived in this house, however.

My mother painted a picture of the Gulf and one of the Pacific. The Pacific was placid and blue. The Gulf was wild and green. They seemed to capture the spirit of each of the bodies of water. I’ve spent a night on Padre Island on the Gulf and didn’t sleep a wink, though I’m the world’s soundest sleeper normally. The Gulf is even scarier than the Atlantic to this desert rat whose preference of an animal she’d be if not human would be a dolphin! My mother worked summers to help pay college expenses at a resort on Lake Michigan and was like a fish, too. You are so right that Pisces love water, at least all I know do, though Mother was a Sagittarius. I’m Aquarius, which is not a water sign, in spite of its inference.

It’s an air sign who likes to carry the water in a jug to humanity who thirsts for knowledge and comfort (represented by the water). I am unafraid of inland water. I believe you're right that we are like orphans pining for our watery cradle. Tonight I realized, though, another of my negative relationships with water. One thing I can’t bear is to get my clothing wet if it touches my skin! Was washing dishes and had on too many layers of tops. My long rubber gloves slid down and let one of my sleeves get wet. I couldn’t move fast enough to get up the stairs and get off all three layers of tops and into my flannel jammies - (with a dry cuddl-duds top under the top). I’ve noticed my phobia before and wonder if maybe they didn’t change my wet diapers quickly enough.

Also I hate baggy pants: - another possible phobia that could be attributed to wet sagging wet cloth diapers! Probably a sign I need to get to bed! Butler uses fake, acrylic fingernails as guitar picks, which must help with his down stroking. They are much shorter on his left hand, of course, which he uses to play and move on and between the frets on the neck of the guitar. We are both in awe of this musician and, as you so aptly defined, his poetry of artistry. I haven’t seen the Pacific in years; not since I lived and worked in LA, from the beaches of Malibu and points further north. It is extraordinary. I agree that Costner’s Waterworld was a bit much - even for me.

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