24 January 1919

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Dear Don,

If you could only see me now! Now don't get alarmed and I'll tell you something. I'm sick in bed with influenza and for fear when the nurse comes she won't let me write, I'm writing this so you know why I don't write.

Don't let this worry you but a letter occassionally [sic] would be appreciated. I never dreamt I'd get it but here I am. My temp is only 99 so you see that's not bad. Dashed awfully & I have a bad cough but the Dr. says its a mild case.

Edythe has it too and we are in bed here together. Her temp is higher but she doesn't ache so. Two other teachers in the House have it. We tried in Duluth & St. Paul to get a nurse but couldn't. A practical nurse is coming tomorrow.

Write & tell Ruth but don't let it alarm her. If I get worse I'll let you know. Tell her I won't be able to send Betty anything. She'll wonder when she doesn't hear from me.

Dad's address is Franklin Hotel. I wouldn't think of having any one come up. If the nurse we get is impossible I guess I'll wire Dad to send one.

I'll have someone drop you a card often.

Loving, Leone