27 October 1918: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 18:49, 9 March 2020

Mason City Iowa

October 27th 1918

Dear Don:

Well I suppose you think I have quit the world or am I a big fool for not answering your letter sooner, but I have been working nights out to the beet plant and I don't have much time to spare as I sleep all I can.

I quit out there last night so I have time to write, although I did write one letter four or five days ago and gave it to that big boof of a brother of mine and he stuck it in his pocket and forgot to mail it.

We went to Meford and beat them 20 to 0. They were sure a stick-up bunch before the game, as they had beaten a team the Saturday before 137 to 0. But you ought to have seen them afterwards; wanted to mob us, but after a lot of jawing we got out O.K., but ran into Bed Bugs at Spencer.

School has been closed now for 2 weeks for the flu. Sure is hard on football, but I guess we will get to play a few more games.

I don't know what the sugar plant will do when school starts as darn near half the night force is high school kids. In the warehouse where I was juggling sugar there was only 2 men not going to school out of 12. I have about 50 bucks coming for 10 days work, not so bad is it.

Have not seen Lid since school stopped, but will as soon as I go back.

If school don't start this week I'm going out in the country and pick corn, and make some more dough.

I guess I will close for now and go to bed and snore awhile. Hoping you are not sore because you did not get the other letter I will bid you goodbye.

Carlyle Anderson.

Don't wait as long as I did to write.